Neema Bible College Stories, Testimonies and a New School! – August 2024 Update

One Year Later, Here’s Some of Their Stories:

pastor moses in kenya

I come from one of the villages where Al Shabaab terrorists have been frequently attacking. They kill our people and destroy our property. After the teachers of Neema taught us the authority of the believer in Christ, I started praying against terrorism and declaring the Word of God over our villages. I now see peace in our villages.The revelation of Christ has healed me and my family. Today I am seeing a healed congregation instead of the sick congregation that I used to pastor. I now preach what I have been learning from Neema. I also have seen God’s financial miraculous provisions. But more importantly, In see Pastor Moses the peace of God in my family.

I have been a pastor for the past thirty years. In Neema Bible College, I have discovered that I didn’t understand many Bible passages. I misinterpreted much of the Word and was misrepresenting Jesus. I now realize that I was using the Bible to condemn God’s children instead of giving them hope. I thank God for all who are involved to bring this true good news to us. I can now rightly divide the Word of God. At times I now sit down with other pastors and clearly explain the revelation of God’s salvation that we have received through our savior Jesus Christ.

When I joined Neema and started learning a lot about Jesus, I realized I was not preaching the truth about Him. At one time I had a congregation of about 100 adults. I used to kick much of them out of the church because I preached God is against sinners. My messages had no love or grace of God at all. That’s how I was left with about 15 members. I could preach that, “I want only the holy ones that I could tell God that these are the ones fit for the kingdom”.

Here at Neema Bible College I got born again. I realized I didn’tunderstand salvation or His righteousness. I was preaching and living self-righteousness. But after my spiritual eyes opened about God’s great salvation in Christ; my message has completely changed. I now preach God’s love and grace for all in Christ. Those I kicked out of church are back again. Our congregation is excited about my new messages of God’s love. One of the guys got born again and other members used to tell me that he secretly smokes Marijuana and he is in the church choir. But I could tell them, ‘Jesus is working on him’. Today the man is free from marijuana addiction.

NEEMA’s Coastal Director Victor Kiogoro leaves his wife Grace and their 5 children to travel to Lamu twice a month. As he travels, attack from Al Shabaab are a real and constant danger. However, he goes in victory knowing the Jesus Christ is leading him to proclaim the GOOD NEWS to the people of Lamu. Victor was born for Such a Time as This.

map of neema bible college coastal in kenya

Because of our partners, NEEMA Bible College continues to equip church leaders from several different churches to preach the Whole Counsel of God- including His unconditional love and grace. Thank You!

Kenyan Government Builds School for the Maasai Children because You Dug a Well

This Maasai tribe was constantly on the move, searching for water until in 2022 you dug the Tassia Well for them. Because thepeople started building homes close by the well, this year the Kenyan government has built a school by the Tassia Well. Nowtheir children are in class for the very first time.

moms from maasai in kenya

Asante’ Sana (Thank You Very Much) Now our kids can Read & Write.

monkeys in kenya

These Monkeys Ate Breakfast with Us when we were out at our Bible Colleges on the Indian Ocean Coast. We just peeled a banana and presto the whole troop came. Jumping in and out of the door! Snatching bits of bread and fruit from each other!

Isn’t’ that at bit like us?

Snatching bits of doctrine from God’s Word. Fighting over the ones we hold to be most sacred while ignoring others completely. In Acts 20:27 The Apostle Paul admonishes church leaders to “Declare the whole counsel of God.” At NEEEMA Bible College our goal is to teach God’s whole counsel. Currently there are 29 locations throughout Kenya with 417 students. Because you care enough to share church leaders from several different churches are being equipped to preach the Good News of Gods unconditional love and grace.

dandelion flower in kenya

Do you ever feel like a miss-understood dandelion when it comes to fulfilling the great commission? Brimming with hope and life, you go forth and yet just like these brilliant rays of golden sunshine you are hated by everyone. Keep on going. Keep on loving. Keep on sharing Jesus.

Rays of golden sunshine yet hated by everyone

Life giving seeds reaching far “Go ye therefore into all the world and preach”

As it grows old, its free to travel and spread life

Multiplied life- some 30, 60 and 100-fold

Don’t grow weary in well-doing for if we don’t give up we will reap in due season. – Galatians 6:9