Testimonies & Encouraging Updates From Kenya! March 2023 Update

Emails Fly Continuously Across the Atlantic Bringing News of God’s Grace to the People of Kenya

On Sat, Dec 31, 2022, 11:17 AM Dennis Mugambi (our Heart of God Kenya Director) wrote:

“Hello Dad,

We took the love of Jesus Christ to Nanyuki  Prison. The prison has more than 1,000 Prisoners both males and females. We went to the female’s side. We bought some sodas, flour for the chapati, stew meat and pilau that we cooked together with them. We had contributed with Pastor Rose and her husband, Daniel, to buy the food.  Remember Rose and Daniel from Narie where we bought some windows for their church in Naari. Rose was raised in a Muslim family. She got born-again as a young woman. Pastor Rose and Daniel graduated from NEEMA in 2020.

In the prison, there were about 29 prisoner guard and 60 female prisoners that we shared the Word of God with.  The prisoners were so  excited to hear the message of the love and grace of God. I preached about Jesus before the Cross, on the Cross, and after the Cross. My beautiful wife, Emma, loves to minister with me and was so excited about this mission. We did enjoy to have food, fun and fellowship. This how we wanted to share our Christmas and New year with other people that are vulnerable.

Love you, Dennis”

church in Kenya

On May 24th, Mike and Pat finally will be going home to Kenya!

Lies. Lies. Lies. For Centuries Lies Have Surrounded the Gospel of Jesus

  • God gave me cancer to slow me down.
  • God led me through bankruptcy to teach me.
  • God took my husband so I could serve Him

No! Absolutely Not!  “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” James 1:17

This is the gospel. And this is the Good News that Mahtani found at NEEMA Bible College. In her own words Mahtani writes, “When my husband died, the pastor said it was so I could serve God properly.  My husband was always supportive when I was so devoted to God’s work. Now I was alone and angry with God. Eventually I moved to another church. There I served God only out of duty and served with a very negative attitude. Since I joined NEEMA I have come to understand God differently. Now I have peace of mind. I have repented – turned around and I am  going a different way. I love God more than ever and appreciate God for the understanding of His Word, His love and His grace that I am finding through NEEMA Bible College.”

A few years ago, we were on the Coast preparing to teach Find. Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will by Andrew Wommack at NEEMA Bible College during the month of February. It was beautiful there but the squawking of those awful black crows day and night made me homesick for the nightingale and mocking birds of our home in Meru. And not only the squawking but the chanting of Muslim clerics was continuous since it was Ramada- the Muslims holiest season of the year.

Do you realize that Muslims all over the world are fasting and praying for a whole month? What would happen if Christians were that united? Read Psalms 133 to find out. 

Churches Unite for the Sake of Their Children

Jesus said let the children come unto me for such is the kingdom of heaven. Teachers all over the world search for creative ways of implanting God’s message of love into children’s hearts. Hug-a-Heart Sunday School Lessons are full of fun, inter-active learning experiences designed for the church in the village which has limited resources.

As we train teachers from various churches, we have the opportunity to sow the seeds of God’s Grace into many hearts that have traditionally believed in a god of wrath.

Christian teacher training in Meru Kenya
Teachers training in Meru

A God Surprise

The Twins who we rescued from the street, attended Teacher Training. Even though they stayed only a few weeks with us back in 2008, The Gospel of Grace had made an impact that 14 years of abuse couldn’t destroy!

Hug-a-Heart Program

Pat has written Hug-a-Heart, a village friendly Sunday School Curriculum. Yes, there are so many great curriculums already but none for the African Village where resources are extremely scarce. 

Hugs are distributed free of charge to all who ask. Hugs are crossing denominational borders as well as political borders.

Hug-a-Heart Sunday School Lessons are full of  fun, inter-active learning experiences designed to imprint the love of God on the hearts of children.

hug a heart program

Today the cultures in which we live demand that we know WHO WE ARE

Mike and Pat Heiser are:

  • We are Disciples (Matthew 28:19)
  • He called us His Disciples and gave us power and  authority over all devils and diseases. And He sent us to preach the Kingdom of God and to Heal the sick – Luke 9:1-2
  • Not one thing which the Lord has spoken concerning us will fail! – Joshua 23:14
  • Therefore we will be strong and of good courage, and do it: We will not fear, nor be dismayed: For the Lord God, even our God, will be with us; He will not fail us, nor forsake us, until we have finished all the work for the  service of the house of the Lord. – I Chronicles 28:20
  • We will do all that is in our heart. – I Chronicles 17:2
  • We have all the skilled workmen we need and Gold and silver without number. – I Chronicles 22:15
  • The communication of our faith becomes effective as we acknowledge every good thing which is in us, because we are in Christ Jesus. – Philemon 1:6
  • God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us. – Ephesians 3:20
mike and pat heiser

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